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An Hour in the Forest

Sunday, May 7, 2023

9 AM - 10 AM

Start/End Location:

Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex Parking Lot
2555 Pulford St, Windsor, ON N9E 0A7


Mike Evans

Affiliated Organization:

Essex County Field Naturalists' Club

Accessibility Considerations:

Challenging walk (uneven path / hills)

Walk Themes:


About the Walk: 

The Oakwood Forest represents the Eastern tip of the Ojibway Forest Complex, a series of woodland areas that stretches all the way from the Detroit River into South Windsor. Since the completion of the Herb Grey Parkway and the eco-crossings that go over top, the Oakwood Forest is now home to an even more diverse group of wildlife.

In recent years I have seen and photographed Eastern fox snakes, Grey Tree Frogs, 17 species of Warblers, Wild Turkeys, Coyotes and many others. Aside from all of the natural curiosities, the Oakwood forest is also home to some interesting history. In 1913, the property was slated for development and a series of sidewalks was installed, so that potential home buyers could go through and look at the land.

Thankfully the housing development never happened, but remnants of the 1913 sidewalks still remain. Since the Oakwood Forest is not very large, the one hour walk time is ideal for a tour.

If you have a camera, please bring it along, as there may be some interesting birds to photograph during the walk.

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